If you need further information on how to behave and act conscientiously without Vedic solutions you can go for instance https://covid-at-home.info/ https://unric.org/de/coronavirus-covid-19/.


Ancient Vedic Homa a solution?

Against any kind of pandemic outbreak?

There are documented research results available that show the effect of the application of Homa techniques on pathological germs.

These I wanted to mention here briefly:


From my point of view Agnihotra is able to reduce efficiently all kinds of pathogens.

It is a natural source to regulate and restructure the environment without side effects.

I am available for assistance, service and questions – please get in touch with me.

To make this clear:
It can strengthens your defences, but an infection cannot be prevented.

With kind regards please look at my explanations about Agnihotra, https://homagui.de/compact/.

Here is a fine script about Yajnya https://fivefoldpathmission.us/Research/Science%20of%20Yagna.pdf from Prof. Rajani R. Joshi.

Religiöse Beweggründe, geschlechtliche Merkmale wie ideologische Ansichten dürfen in den Hintergrund treten. Chemische und physikalische Abläufe und Eigenschaften zum Wohl der Umwelt, wie die Physis von Menschen und Tieren können nicht hoch genug eingeschätzt werden.

Agnihotra heilt Klima, Umwelt und Leben.

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